Kotlin code
Kotlin code

kotlin code

Kotlin is strongly typed, and it does a lot to infer the types from your code. So Kotlin distinguishes between nullable and non-nullable data types, which helps catch more errors at compile time. For example, null-pointer exceptions in software have caused financial losses and spectacular computer crashes, and have resulted in countless hours of debugging. The creators of Kotlin made various design decisions about the language to help programmers create robust code. It's focused on clarity, conciseness, and code safety. Kotlin is a new, modern programming language created by programmers, for programmers.

  • Install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the IntelliJ IDEA, and become familiar with some Kotlin features.
  • How to work with the Kotlin REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) interactive shell.
  • Using an IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Eclipse, or Visual Studio.
  • How to program with classes, methods, and exception handling in at least one language.
  • The basics of a modern, object-oriented, statically typed programming language such as Java or C#.
  • This course content is a prerequisite of Android Kotlin Fundamentals. Read the announcement on the Android Developers Blog. Since 2017, Google has officially supported Kotlin for developing Android apps. If you are familiar primarily with the Java programming language, you may be amazed at how much more concise and readable your code can be. If you are familiar with C#, some of the features of Kotlin will be familiar. This course is geared towards programmers who know an object-oriented language and want to learn more about Kotlin. In this codelab, you learn about advantages of programming in the Kotlin programming language, and you install the IDE to get ready for the first lesson. The Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers course teaches you the Kotlin programming language. This course is geared towards programmers who know an object-oriented language, and want to learn Kotlin. Depending on your knowledge, you may be able to skim some sections.

    kotlin code

    You'll get the most value out of this course if you work through the codelabs in sequence. This codelab is part of the Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers course.

    Kotlin code