What is liquid rainbow for diablo 3
What is liquid rainbow for diablo 3

what is liquid rainbow for diablo 3 what is liquid rainbow for diablo 3

You’ll find chests with varying levels of fanciness, plus gold drops from all the dead farmer corpses. Going to Not The Cow Level is one of the more rewarding Diablo 3 secrets. There is a chance that Treasure Goblin portals will lead you to Not The Cow Level instead of to The Vault. Path two is, like so many Easter eggs, all RNG. Click on the question marks and the weapon will be destroyed, leaving behind a portal to Not The Cow Level. If you put the Bovine Bardiche in the cube, it will reveal an unmarked transmute option. In the current approach, there are two paths to the udderly ridiculous secret level.

what is liquid rainbow for diablo 3

The Cow Level’s existence or lack thereof has been a gag since the game’s early days, and it has gone through a few different iterations in Diablo 3. This has to be both the best meme and worst-kept secret of the franchise. Here’s what you need to know about six of the game’s most popular, essential secret levels. Some of Diablo 3‘s favorite Easter eggs do demand luck of the draw, but others aren’t so sneaky. But that doesn’t mean I want to wait and cross my fingers to ever return to those secret spots. Like most players, my first encounters with the hidden zones of Diablo 3 happened by accident. Is there any joy quite like when you uncover an in-game secret? It’s part surprise, part glee, part feel-like-a-champ-for-figuring-it-out-even-if-you-didn’t-do-anything.

What is liquid rainbow for diablo 3